Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Two Days to Go

Today and tomorrow are our last days to get paint up on the wall. Friday brings a sealant glaze and then all that is left to do is to unveil the results of our efforts. We’re all feeling the pressure, especially our glorious TA, Celia, who has barely left the wall this past week. 

Looking at the wall presently, it’s clear that we will need all the time we can squeeze out of these last two days to bring everything together and be able to present a completed mural.

Coloring In The Gradient

Progress! We’ve finally finished our monochrome brown scale under-painting and it is time for color. Once again Julie challenges us to create color wheels and color gradients. We must prove ourselves worthy of color on paper before we can touch the wall with our brushes dipped in earth tones.

We have all proven our color-worthiness and as we turn to the wall, it seems all our brave artists have disappeared, cowed by color. Though a yellow cactus bloom did appear before the morning was out there were still few to be found adding to the wall.

Eventually however the artists started to gather and cautiously put paint to the wall. As they slowly worked across the wall the images began to come alive and read much more clearly.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

5/21 The First Stroke!

 The day to paint is finally upon us!
But first we are to receive a lesson in paint and color. This mainly includes creating gradient scales of brown. Brown specifically, so we get accustomed to what we will be creating our under coat with.

Once we were finished with that – and a break while technical difficulties were sorted out- Julie proceeded to demonstrate how to create an under painting and when she felt confident enough, left us on our own to either swim or horribly botch up the wall. Luckily our infallible TA Celia was there with us every step of the way to help calm our nerves and shaky brushes.

Though many wandered off during the day their was hardly a time when you could walk by without seeing one of our lot obliterating the whiteness of the wall. Even night didn’t stop our troops as they used headlamps and the projector to provide the light required to stain their canvas.

5/20 A Day of Events

This morning we’re off! We’re on a side trip in search of adventure, treasure and birds? Yes, that is correct! We’re hunting down creatures (read "treasures") to see what we’re actually depicting and possibly get more reference material for it. First stop is an estuary, but not before stopping by the shoreline to see some beautiful cormorant lines.

Shortly after our escapades by the shore we’re off to explore the main event of our trip. The estuary revealed to us a reddish egret, many Roseate Spoonbills and oh so many crabs

After our morning adventures it was time for some good old relaxing shenanigans since it would take the fall of darkness for us to make our marks upon the wall.
In the meantime we were awed two hours before sunset by a Solar Eclipse.

Finally! The time to make our marks! By the light of a projector we work.

5/19 Changing

This humid morning comes around with us anticipating  news of even more changes that need to be made to our beloved design. The fellows here at the compound had already given us a list of changes to be made. The biggest mistake, in both size and notability, as well as most humorous was the Fin Whale that we had unknowingly drawn in upside down. The other concerns of the fellows mostly revolved around the lack of community we had incorporated.
Julie finally arrived, toddler in tow, to give us the relieving news that we would not need to rework the entire design, and only had to change and take out a few things.
After almost fainting with relief and other dramatic and drawn out expressions of relief, it was back to the drawing board( or wall in our case).
Some were sent to color. Others were off to fix the whale. Those who were not assigned a specific task went to the beach. All were busy. We were against the clock trying to get everything ready to be outlined.

We ended this stressful day be eating a wonderful meal prepared by Laura on the beach with the fellows and researchers, who are currently sharing the compound with us.