Desert, y la Gente
Sea (Comcaac), Desert
(English), and the People (Spanish)
This mural represents the mission and vision of the Kino Bay
Center for Cultural and Ecological Studies. Based on themes of environmental
conservation and research, education, and outreach, the mural reflects the cultural and biological diversity of
the Midriff Island region, while focusing specifically on priority species and
ecosystems, cultural interactions, and complex conservation challenges.
Bay Center Mission Statement: Protecting priority species and habitats
through integrated application of science, education, information exchange, and
community participation
Bay Center Vision Statement: Promoting and modeling collaborations
between people from different cultures and institutions to co-create solutions
to complex conservation challenges
mural depicts, from left to right:
Collared Lizards, Crotaphytus
Double-crested Cormorants, Phalacrocorax auritus
Fin Whale, Balaenoptera
physalus (vertebrae)
American Oyster Catchers, Haematopus palliate
Red Mangrove, Rhizophora mangle
Reddish Egret, Egretta
Whale, Balaenoptera physalus (blow)
Sperm Whale, Physeter
macrocephalus (fluke)
Short-finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus (dorsal fin)
Brown Pelicans, Pelecanus
Red-billed Tropicbird, Phaethon
Sea Turtle, Dermochelys coriacea
Whale, Balaenoptera physalus
Nudibranchs, Chromodoris norrisi & Elysia
Manta Ray, Manta birostris
Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
Gulf Sun Star, Heliaster kubiniji Xantus
Sierra Mackerel, Scomberomorus sierra
Fishhook Barrel Cactus, Ferocactus
Desert Bighorn Sheep, Ovis
canadensis nelsoni
Cardon Cactus, Pachycereus
Spiny-tailed Iguana, Ctenosaura similis
San Esteban Chuckwalla, Sauromalus varius
Agave, Agave
The merging of visual elements in the mural is intended to
represent the integration and co-creation that is fundamental to the philosophy
and practice of the Kino Bay Center. Our intention
is that this mural will have many interpretations; our hope is that it will
initiate questions and conversations about relationships amongst the natural
environment, culture and community.
Desert, y la Gente was designed and
painted by Prescott College’s Public Art:
Mural Painting course in May 2012.
Instructor: Julie Comnick Students: Claire Andreason, Lauren Brule,
Celia Chatham, Mara Clifton, Sarah Cupka, Andi DeRivera, Maria Doffing, Audrey
Hamann, Chelsea Phillips, and Mikial Tolmosoff
Breathtakingly beautiful! Congratulations to the class and instructors for your creation of an amazing piece of art that so wonderfully captures the culture and ecology of region and the efforts of the field station. (I lived in the bedroom on the other side of that mural from 2000-2001 as a fellow at the field station.)